Autor: Paula Alvarado
Revolución material
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Nota sobre experimentación con materiales a partir de micelio y residuos orgánicos llevada a cabo por un grupo de investigadores de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Entrevista · Club de reparadores
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Intercambio con Marina Pla y Melina Scioli, creadoras del evento de reparación itinerante Club de reparadores y Fundadoras de la ONG Artículo 41.
Innovations led by nature
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Story about biomimicry initiatives in architecture and design.
Diseño y desarrollo sostenible: Un puente sin tender
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Cobertura de la Cumbre de la Tierra, Río+20, analizando la (casi nula) presencia del diseño como herramienta para el desarrollo sostenible.
A Unique Patch of Native Forest Survives at the Heart of America’s Largest City
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Story about the Trianon Park in Sao Paulo, Brasil: the only remnant of the native Atlantic Forest and a stark contrast to the city’s brutalist architecture.
Recycled Factory Thrives As Social Center Supported by Brazil’s Commerce Tax
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A tour of Lina Bo Bardi’s SESC Pompeia and notes on the Brazilian Social Service of Commerce’s networks of centers that provide education, health, leisure and culture services to communities.
5 Gyres expedition exploring ocean plastic pollution in the South Pacific
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During this trip from Valdivia to Easter Island on a sailboat, I reported on the trip’s findings, the work of scientists aboard, and curiosities of the places we visited.
Interview with David Holmgren, co-creator of Permaculture
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An exchange with one of the men who created the concept of Permaculture in the 1970s held at Gaia, a community in the town of Navarro, about 2 hours from Buenos Aires.